Biochemical Identification System (O.B.I.S.) PYR - Pack of 60

Biochemical Identification System (O.B.I.S.) PYR - Pack of 60

Biochemical Identification System (O.B.I.S.) PYR - Pack of 60

Pack of 60
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Use O.B.I.S. PYR as a rapid diagnostic alternative to time-consuming culture methods. This is a new system for PYRase testing using a non-carcinogenic substrate in response to health concerns associated with the use of β-naphthylamide (a potent carcinogen). The O.B.I.S. - PYR test uses test cards impregnated with L-pyroglutamic acid 7-amino-4-methyl-coumarin (7AMC) and dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde for the detection of PYRase activity. Dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde is used as a color development reagent. The enzymatic hydrolysis of this substrate by enterococci, Group A streptococci and Citrobacter spp. produces a purple color following the addition of the developing solution.

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Quantity Pack of 60
Hazardous No
Is Featured No