CEDIA™ Heroin Metabolite (6-Acetylmorphine) Reagent, 1 x 495 mL, LC

CEDIA™ Heroin Metabolite (6-Acetylmorphine) Reagent, 1 x 495 mL, LC

CEDIA™ Heroin Metabolite (6-Acetylmorphine) Reagent, 1 x 495 mL, LC

100186 MG
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Utilize the globally valued accuracy, precision, lot-to-lot dependability and stable shelf life of CEDIA™ Heroin Metabolite (6-Acetylmorphine) Drugs of Abuse Assays, which offer applications for an array of clinical chemistry analyzers. The drugs of abuse testing scope is expanding rapidly, and CEDIA assays meet this challenge by offering one of the most extensive menus for drugs of abuse testing and developing new assays to respond to ever-emerging drug screening needs.

  • • Qualitative or semi-quantitative options for results
  • • Excellent correlation to GC/MS
  • • Variety of calibrators and multiconstituent control sets


Description CEDIA Heroin Metabolite (6-Acetylmorphine) Drugs of Abuse Assays
Detectable Analytes 6-Acetylmorphine
DoA Calibrators CEDIA Heroin Metabolite Calibrators
Sample Type Urine
Type Reagent
Quantity 1 x 495 mL, LC
Unit Size Each


Storage Temp: 2-8°C

More Information
Quantity Each
Hazardous No
Is Featured No